Damien Lesenfants, PhD
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Brown University
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Providence VA Medical Center
Damien Lesenfants joined the BrainGate2 team in November 2014. As a Postdoctoral Researcher, his research interests included the development of state-based algorithms for idle state detection, allowing translation of the current system to 24/7 communication. He also compared BrainGate communication with commercially available Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) technology.
He received his Master’s degree in Biomedical Engineering from the University of Liège (Belgium) in June 2010. During his master’s degree, he was involved in the MIVIP/OPTIVIP European Project aiming to develop an implantable visual prosthesis based on the stimulation of the optic nerve for restoring vision in blind individuals. He then joined the Coma Science Group (Belgium) and completed his Ph.D. under the supervision of Professor Steven Laureys and Dr Quentin Noirhomme. His research focused on finding new diagnosis and prognosis measures based on functional neuroimaging, and developing Brain-Computer Interfaces for detecting response to command and communication in brain-injured patients (mainly patients with locked-in syndrome or disorders of consciousness).